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  • October 8, 2020
  • News

Registration is OPEN for KMWorld Connect 2020 

The annual KMWorld conference is going virtual this year with KMWorld Connect November 16-November 19. Registration is open.

Today’s organizations are challenged with sustainability, disruption from many forces, changing technology and human perspectives, dealing with analytics for the overwhelming amount of data, navigating complexity in a world of multiple possibilities, and much more.  KMWorld Connect and co-located events will look at future-focused strategies, technologies, and tools to help organizations transform for positive outcomes. By improving knowledge flows and sharing among enterprise communities to speed decision making, innovation, and success, we can approach the future more positively. 

KMWorld Connect—along with three additional collocated co-located events, Taxonomy Boot Camp, Enterprise Search & Discovery, and Text Analytics Forum—will showcase organizations who have creative digital solutions for their future, are allowing experimental and risk taking processes to inform their practices, have made solid progress in changing the culture of their enterprises, and know how to utilize AI and other technology in practical and useful ways to charge forward in their industries.

The Enterprise Search & Discovery Connect Conference—is the only conference dedicated to exploring this critical business and technical challenge and opportunity. Discover how to design, build, and manage better search and discovery to help extract critical knowledge and business value from your organizational data. Join us as we explore how to provide transformative enterprise search and information discovery across your organization.

Enterprise Search & Discovery Connect is designed for Search Managers, line-of-business departmental managers, IT managers, Information & Knowledge Architects, Compliance and Legal Officers, and anyone responsible for organizing, managing, and retrieving internal and/or external information. 

Taxonomy Boot Camp Connect—Taxonomies are all about creating structures that bring data and information to life. Taxonomy Boot Camp Connect is the only conference dedicated to taxonomy building and management. Join us as we explore the successes, challenges, and methods of putting taxonomies to work for your organization.

Taxonomy Boot Camp Connect is designed for taxonomists and ontologists, information architects, content managers, knowledge engineers, intranet professionals, content classification specialists, information professionals, information scientists, and anyone responsible for classifying, organizing, or managing content. 

Text Analytics Forum Connect—Text Analytics has the ability to add depth, meaning, and intelligence to any organization’s most under-utilized resource—text. Through text analytics, enterprises can unlock a wealth of information that would not otherwise be available. Join us as we explore the power of text analytics to provide relevant, valuable, and actionable data for enterprises of all kinds.

Text Analytics Forum Connect is designed for text analysts, content managers, data analysts and scientists, knowledge managers, CIOs and CKOs, information and knowledge architects, taxonomists and ontologists, business and competitive intelligence pros, and anyone involved in organizing information or extracting valuable data from text. 

To view the schedule, go to https://pheedloop.com/kmwconnect/site/schedule and to register, go to https://pheedloop.com/kmwconnect/site/register.

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