Natural Language Processing > ViewPoints
Natural Language Processing is the branch of artificial intelligence (AI) concerned with giving computers the ability to understand text and spoken words in much the same way human beings can.

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Microsoft’s Copilot: A force multiplier for KM

Generative AI (GenAI) applications will increasingly transform organizations' IT platforms. Companies of any size that opt to create robust apps on their own, however, are in for a protracted, complex, and expensive experience.There's a better way: Buy into what I call a GenAI ecosystem from a vendor in whose tech you are already invested. These ecosystems are comprised of the sum of services customers mostly need to build and launch robust apps.

KM and AI: Experts look at what lies ahead for 2024

AI and dreams of its potential rocked this past year as companies moved quickly to embed and offer their own version of chat assistants, predictive and generative AI, and more