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  • September 23, 2015
  • News

Efficient mobile business intelligence from InetSoft

InetSoft has released Style Intelligence V. 12.1, its data intelligence, analytics and reporting platform, along with its sub-products, Style Scope and Style Report.

The company emphasizes new design features to support multiple device formats that allow one data visualization to optimally serve multiple screen sizes with minimal extra effort, it says. Other design-related enhancements include more centralized and shareable design style options, which are said to be especially useful for maintaining a uniform look and feel across dashboards and reports for cloud application providers who embed InetSoft's visualization technology into their vertical or horizontal solution.

InetSoft reports that at the core of Style Intelligence is a data mashup engine that enables fast and flexible transformation of data from disparate sources, either supplementing or obviating a data warehouse solution. At the development level, a unified interface allows for easy and advanced data manipulation and design of interactive dashboards, visual analyses and published reporting. At the consumption level, self-service is maximized for a range of users, from casual business or consumer-type browsers to power users and data scientists.

InetSoft further describes Style Intelligence as a cloud-ready, fully scalable enterprise-grade platform with granular security, multitenancy support and multiple integration points serving both enterprises and solution providers.

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